Anyway, I could go on and on about things that I wanted to do and actually ended up doing and things that I didn't end up doing and bla bla bla but the point that I'm trying to make is that whichever I deemed important, I did. And those that I thought could take the back seat did and so now on this twenty fourth day of December I can either look back and beat myself up because of all the things I didn't end up doing or I can congratulate myself and celebrate the little victories and just try that much harder next year because it will mean that much more to me next year since no one likes repeating he same mistake twice.
Here's the idea I leave with myself and to you, the reader, is that for you to eventually get what you want or achieve what you want you NEED to WANT it THAT bad!!! If you want it that bad there's genuinely no stopping you even through the toughest times so quit making excuses!!!!