I know i started my last post like this but guess what?... I looked at my last post and was wowed out by how long ago it all seemed! *giggle*
1. Newton and I broke up! I felt betrayed, mistreated, battered and bruised and most importantly i felt as though he had really wasted my time!! But when i took the time to reflect, I realised that it wasn't a total waste of time, he just really taught me what I don't want in a relationship, I just wish I had left sooner because even when I was writing the last post i knew that i should leave but I convinced myself repeatedly that I had to give him a little more time to dig his own grave! I'm never going into a relationship where I have to compromise more than half of my personal values, real WASTE I tell you.
2. I passed second semester!! WHOOP WHOOP!! Super weird how I almost failed on of the subjects!! Just super super sucks because I believe I invested so much more time this semester than last but my marks this semester were lower... I forgive myself though because this year was just a lot to swallow and I've had to just carry on and I'm alright with that. Under the circumstances i did well. I'm going to do better next time.
3. I did my license in October and I passed!!!! YAY!!! Another item to tick of my to do list!! Funny thing about driving is that even after you have the license you're learning something new every time you drive. Concentration is key!
This year has been quite weird it's all going to be over in 14 short days and then we'll count this year as history. I've looked over my new years resolutions and i think I've done pretty well. I didn't complete everything but I'm quite impressed with the determination that was prevalent throughout the year. I do have quite a bit to work on and top of the list is SELF-DISCIPLINE, that's going to be my constant theme throughout the course of next year!! I've come to realise that when all is said and done it's all about what you make this body do or not do (this theory is totally in line with my beliefs and values and so I aim to live by it).
Just 14 more days to go!!