I've reckoned that even your character is something that you are able to learn to change and adjust.
Your IQ you apparently can't change you either score high or score low and that's just that, but apparently with EQ which determines your emotional intelligence, you are able to train your brain to act and respond differently to certain things and to be resilient where need be. According to your IQ results you may be dumb but because you have trained yourself never to give up and to keep trying till you succeed, you may still turn out better than a person who had scored a higher result on their IQ testing.
So no need to take a IQ test to see if you're clever or dumb by some man's standard... Rather work on being resiliant, working well under pressure, coping with high levels of stress, etc. things that don't seem to matter but have such a huge impact on our daily lives and whether or not we survive in THIS world.
Hmmm who would've thought that I did to know what to write about a couple of minutes ago...
Here's to not knowing but giving it a try anyway!!
Resilience is the most important quality that anyone can poses. What is guaranteed is that you will fall, but when you do you need to be able to stand up and go on.